guNa lava rahitaM maaM goptukaamaa daye tvam.h
paravati chaturaiste vibhramaiH shrInivaase
bahumatiM anapaayaaM vindasi shrIdharaNyoH.. 32
Oh Dayaa Devi: I am a very lowly person (GuNa lava rahithan) without any auspicious guNams. adiyEn does not know how to acquire fitness for a new and elevated station or to protect that position once it comes my way (aham avidhitha nija yOga KshEmam). Further, adiyEn does not know about the Aathma and the tatthvam that Aathma is different form Sareeram and that is eternal and is a unconditional servant of the Lord. (aham AathmaabijN~an). adiyEn has no auspicious guNams. Oh Dayaa Devi! Yet, You have decided to offer your protection to me (gOpthukAmaa) even in this undeserving state. You perform many captivating acts to gain and hold the attention of Your Lord, ThiruvenkatamudayAn ( Thvam chathurai: tE vibramai: SrinivAsE paravathy). He is under the spell of those enchanting deeds of Yours and comes under Your influence. In that state, He is eager to do what You command. Sri DEvi and BhU Devi at Your side look at this scene and admire Your cleverness to have their Lord in Your hold. They respect You for this accomplishment always.Both the Devis are also keen on saving adiyEn but it appears that Lord SrinivAsan does not pay any heed to their pleas. They do not get jealous over Your success, where they have failed. They are happy that You succeeded in a task that they wanted to get done. They hold You in high esteem forever for this reason (Sri DharaNyO: anapAyam bahumathim vindhasi).
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