vR^iShagiri vibhorichchhaa saa tvaM parairaparaahataa.
kR^ipaNa bharabhR^it.h ki~NkurvaaNa prabhuuta guNaantaraa
vahasi karuNe vaichaxaNyaM madIxaNa saahase..71
Oh Dayaa DEvi! There are three kinds of chEthanams (the nithya samsAris, the liberatedones and the nithya Sooris) and achEthanams (Prakruthy, Kaalam and Suddha Sathtvam). The inherent nature (Svaroopam/ Satthaa) of these three kinds of ChEthanams and achEthanams, their sustenance (sthEma) as well as their vyApAram (Pravrutthi) are ordained by You. You are their niyAmikai (Commander). Your sankalpam cannot be interrupted by anyone (Parai: aparAhathaa). Those who recognize their powerlessness to undertake Bhakthi yOgam for Moksham choose Prapatthi yOgam. You take full responsibility to protect those helpless ones performing Prapatthi with full trust in You as their saviour. All the other kalyANa guNams of the Lord consider You as their great queen and serve You with joy (KimkurvANa prabhUtha guNAntharA:). You are ThiruvengadamudayAn’s icchA sakthi. In the form of Dayaa Devi, You do not worry about the fruits of Your action and engage in chasing away the sorrows of the suffering chEthanams. With all these vaibhavams, You engage in a daring act. You overlook my fierce sins and cast Your auspicious glances on adiyEn (math yeekshana saahasE vahasi) and accept my humble prapatthi to save me. This kind of daring act without concern for the consequences cannot be initiated by anyone else. This demonstrates Your unique SaamarTyam (VaichakshaNyam)!
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