samasta duritachchhidaa nigama gandhinaa tvaM daye.
asheSham.h avisheShataH trijagad.h a~njanaadrii shituH
charaacharam.h achiikara sharaNa pa~Ngajena a~Nkitam.h..85
Here the involvement of Dayaa DEvi in the Vaamana-Thrivikrama avathAram is saluted. Oh Dayaa Devi! You made it possible for every sentient and the insentient ones in the three worlds to be stamped by the lotus feet of the Lord of AnjanAdhri, ThiruvEnkadamudayAn without partiality (DayE! Thvam AnjanAdhri Yeesithu: charaNa pankaja chara acharamaSEsham avisEshatha: angitham yeeSithu:). The contact with the Lord’s sacred feet became possible for every being in the three worlds without discrimination (aSEsham thrijagathaviSEshatha: ankitham). The mark of the Lord’s sacred feet was seen on every one of the sentients and insentients at that time. Swamy Desikan offers His salutation to those world-measuring feet this way: “ Vidhi praNihithai: saparyA udhakai: prasaktha madhunA samastha dhurithacchidhA nigama gandhinA AnjanAdhri YeeSitu: charaNa pankajam”. These lotus soft feet of the Lord of Anjana Giri were washed with poojA theertham from the kamanDalu of BrahmaDevan; they were generating nectar (honey); those sacred feet have the fragrance of the VedAs (Nigama ParimaLam). They resemble the beautiful lotus in softness. The world and its beings bore the mark of those lotus feet of the Lord as VaishNava Chinnam. Oh Dayaa Devi! The world and its beings realized then that they are the Sesham (liege) of YourLord (Sarva Seshi). While using the destruction of the pride of MahA Bali, Oh Dayaa DEvi, You gained the glory of protecting all the beings of the world
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