kali jvalana durgate jagati kaaLa meghaayitam.h.
vR^iSha xiti dharaadiShu sthiti padeShu saanuplavaiH
vR^iShaadripati vigrahair.h vyapagataakhilaa vagrahaiH..81
Oh Dayaa Devi! Inspired by Your command, the Lord of ThiruvEnkatam manifests Himself as ArchA Moorthys at different dhivya dEsams. Those divine forms of Your Lord are the nourishing rain bearing clouds for the people of this world. For this KaaLa mEgham to drench the world with all soubhAgyams, You are there to remove any obstacles such as Your Lord’s anger over those who violate His injunctions (nigraha sankalpam of Your Lord). You make sure that His anugraha sankalpam is dominant in His archA moorthams. These archa forms of Your Lord are like the KaalamEgams roaming around the hills of ThiruvEnkatam, ThirumAlirumchOlai, Thiruneermalai et al. Just as the rainy season clouds need wind,thunder and lightning as accompaniments, Your Lord incarnates with His nithyasooris like AdhiSeshan, Garudan and VishvaksEnar as well as His five weapons. Similar to the rainy clouds rejuvenate the burnt out sections of fire swept forests, the archA ThirumEnis of Your Lord at the different dhivya dEsams come to the rescue of SamsAris scorched by the fire of Kali Purushan. These suffering samsAris, who had lost their vivEkam due to the merciless attacks of Kali Purushan get rid of the dominating TamO guNam and gain Satthva guNam to engage in Prapatthi anushtAnam for Moksha Siddhi. If one reflects on who is responsible for these blessings to the SamsAris, it becomes obvious that it is You, Dayaa Devi, who is responsible for these boons. Your Lord would not have taken these archAvathArams without the manifestation of Your anukampaa (KaruNai/Dayaa)
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