phala niyamojjitaa bhavati santapanaaya punaH.
tvamiha nira~Ngusha prashakanaadi vibhutimatI
vitarasi dehinaaM niravadhiM vR^iShashaila nidhim.h..56
The key words of this SlOkam are “ Thvam nirankusa prasakanAdhi vibhUthimathee ihadEhinAm niravthim Vrushasaila nidhim vitharasi” (Oh Dayaa Devi! Your sakthi and Iswaryam flow without interruption. You bless all embodied souls on this earth with the treasure on top of Thirumala). All other dayAs such as those of Indhran, BrahmA and other DevAs as well as the kings in this and celestial universe are not comparable to Your Dayaa. Their dayaa can only yield insignificant fruits. They are not of the lasting nature like Your Dayaa. Their Dayaas will come and go. Their dayaa will turn some times into anger, when the recipients make a mistake and cause a lot of sorrow. You are Lord SrinivAsan’s Dayaa. Your glories are matchless in its auspiciousness and durability. No one can stop Your sakthi and sankalpam. You stand firm without wavering. You will never fail to bless those who take refuge in You. The chEthanams never ever doubt about Your steadfastness in blessing them. What kind of phalans do you grant ? You give the boon of the mighty treasure standing ontop of Thirumala. Thanks to You, that incomparable Iswaryam comes under the control of the PrapannAs. It is for all these reasons the dayaa of the dEvAs and the kings are not fit to stand before Your dayaa.
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