kaale dhR^iShTvaa kamala vasater apyaki~nchit.h karaaNi.
padmaa kaantaM praNihitavatIM paalane.ananya saadhye
saaraabhij~naa jagati kR^itinaH saMshrayante daye tvaam.h..41
The key words in this slOkam are: “DayE! Jagathi Saara abhij~naa: kruthina: ananyasaadhyE paalanE PadhmA Kaantham PraNihithavatheem ThvAm SamSrayanthE” (OhDayaa Devi! In this world, the fortunate ones with discriminating intellects seek refuge in You, who has appointed Lord SrinivAsan to engage in the act of protection, which is beyondthe reach of all the dEvAs).
Oh DayA Devi! Brahma Devan’s position is a lofty one. He creates all beings and is the Lord of all ANDams. He is higher in rank than Siva and IndhrA. Brahman arose out of the Lord’s navel. His orders reach everywhere. He has great vaibhavam, riches and retinue. There is however a limit to all these glories of Brahma Devan. He performed austere penance, accumulated PuNyams and became eligible for this lofty rank. Once these PuNyams areexhausted, He takes on the next birth because He is a Karma Vasyan. Even while BrahmA was reigning, the asurAs stole the VedAs from Him and Your Lord as HayagrIvan had to rescue them and return them to BrahmA to continue with His assigned work of creation. If this is the helpless lot of BrahmA, we can guess the powerlessness of the other DevAs subservient to BrahmA. In this world, even the greatest of glories wane away with time. They are all asArams (not lasting and hence insignificant). VivEk is comprehend these unstablenature of these Vaibhavams Therefore, the VivEkis seek Your refuge. Why So ? No one other than Bhagavaan can protect this world. You order Lord SrinivAsa and Periya PirAtti (MahA Lakshmi) to assume the responsibilities of protection of the world and its beings. Empowered by You, Your Lord engages in the act of protection. The VivEkis understand this tatthvam. They seek Your refuge to gain everlasting MokshAnandham.
Oh DayA Devi! Brahma Devan’s position is a lofty one. He creates all beings and is the Lord of all ANDams. He is higher in rank than Siva and IndhrA. Brahman arose out of the Lord’s navel. His orders reach everywhere. He has great vaibhavam, riches and retinue. There is however a limit to all these glories of Brahma Devan. He performed austere penance, accumulated PuNyams and became eligible for this lofty rank. Once these PuNyams areexhausted, He takes on the next birth because He is a Karma Vasyan. Even while BrahmA was reigning, the asurAs stole the VedAs from Him and Your Lord as HayagrIvan had to rescue them and return them to BrahmA to continue with His assigned work of creation. If this is the helpless lot of BrahmA, we can guess the powerlessness of the other DevAs subservient to BrahmA. In this world, even the greatest of glories wane away with time. They are all asArams (not lasting and hence insignificant). VivEk is comprehend these unstablenature of these Vaibhavams Therefore, the VivEkis seek Your refuge. Why So ? No one other than Bhagavaan can protect this world. You order Lord SrinivAsa and Periya PirAtti (MahA Lakshmi) to assume the responsibilities of protection of the world and its beings. Empowered by You, Your Lord engages in the act of protection. The VivEkis understand this tatthvam. They seek Your refuge to gain everlasting MokshAnandham.
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