nigama vipaNi madhye nitya muktaanuShaktam.h.
prasadanaM anukampe praaptavatyaa bhavatyaa
vR^iShagiri harinIlaM vya~njitaM nirvishanti.. 39
Oh Dayaa Devi! Vedam is like a big bazaar. All items are available there. The chEthanams desire to acquire items at the bazaar that is appropriate for their intellect. Those with limited knowledge would concentrate on mastering the vedic sections dealing with insignificant phalans for their use. You take pity on them and become concerned about them staying away from sections dealing with the way to gain the lofty fruits of Moksham as opposed to focusing on the sections that yield alpa phalans. Out of Your Dayaa guNam, You turn their attention to the sections describing the ways to attain Moksha sukham. The visitors to that market comprehends now the power of Moksham and turn their efforts to practise the upAyams designed by the Vedam to gain Moksham. Dayaa Devi! You instruct these aspirants (Mumukshus) that the One identified by the VedAs (Veda PrathipAdhyan) is the Supreme Being standing on top of ThiruvEnkatam hills. The aspirants now enjoy the Indhraneelarathnam, ThiruvEnkadamudayAn. It is only because of Your compassion that the consumers in the Vedic bazaar transformed their gaze away from their search for insignificant goals (Parimitha Phalan) and pursue instead the lofty MokshOpAyams (aparimitha phalan). Youtake them as it were by hand in the Vedic bazaar and have a guided tour to point out the particular Vedic items that yield lasting phalans.
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